Thursday, December 16, 2010

sweet treat, baked by the cosmos (12.12.10)

as a birthday gift
i have given myself
a stoned, uninterrupted listen
to Miles Davis' Kind of Blue
while gazing out the window
of a moving train

Friday, December 10, 2010

eclipse (12.9.10)

the night turned to dawn
and the sun was eclipsed at noon
in the shadow i found truth, and knew
the light would shine in my mind soon
the sky revealed a secret
a wind at midnight gently blew
and i spun around, and around, and around
until i found myself with you

like a stone inside my slipper
you're so slippery, make me fall
before i sink into nothing again
can i bring you anything at all
lyrics of love and life
sung over a melody pure and true
it's all i have now, all i have now
and i'm giving it to you

i'm never lying to you

every day's promise is a changing tide
behind my eyes for me to ride
into your mind from mine
and idea shines on from behind words you say
i'm trading places with the wind someday
so i can blow a breeze for you, so baby
open up your heart, whenever you're ready
i am too

I'm never lying to you

when no one is watching (12.6.10)

yet another one 'bout me bein the sea (12.7.10)

in the stormy sea of potential
every wave a dream
every dream a burden

no surfboard
no need

if i'd relax, all the way
i'd see my own face, my true face
on the bottom

been the sea before
struggling now

i'm the sea now
be sea, me, 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

no lack of voice, despite my sore throat (12.2.10)


I knew the angel
but before I could show you,
before I could sing her song,
she split

maybe I was too concerned with hearing my voice,
with you hearing my voice,

maybe she left to teach me that it ain’t my song,
that it ain’t my voice,
that her voice is around all the time
whether my throat is healthy or not


the song does not call for my voice at the moment
so I’ll be what it needs

I defer to the divine wind.
when it blows through my throat again
you’ll hear my song,
her song through me,
my voice

so says the absence of a train (11.28.10)

I arrived here just minutes after the train had left
station was empty
except for my bones
and the initial desire to write a poem
about the sadness of the empty station
which I was doomed to sit at for two
hours until the next train

this morning, after only having slept for
three hours, I heroically walked five
miles to catch the southbound train
because my bike has a flat

last night I carried a small,
watercolor painting in the
back pocket of my jeans
in hopes of giving it to a girl
that I’m into
I’d painted it earlier in
the night as a birthday gift

Sometimes I seem to paint myself
as a weather-beaten wanderer
other times I’m a joyous, free-spirit

a little bit of hustling here and there
helps me get where I need to go
or rather, get what I want

I paint others as well
but tend to focus mostly on
the development of myself
as a character

my approach is to make poetic decisions
and I’d like to be appreciated
    as a work of art

I find my self importance to be
embarrassing and distracting

I recognize the illusory nature of myself
at the same time that I concern myself
with it’s well-being and appearance